I am working on another book collaboration, which will be published by Emerald Publishing in early 2022. The name of the book is Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth. It is a wonderful collection of stories of women who have found and exercised great courage in their lives.
The editors, Jennifer Moss Breen, Mads van der Steege, Suzanne Martin, and I, have defined courage as follows:
Courage is pushing forward, step by step, while everything is holding you back. Often unnoticed by others, courageous acts come with great emotional challenges, but also with a sense of purpose. Courage is an act that must be done when there are no alternatives other than giving up. It is how we transform, not only ourselves, but those we support and love and the work to which we have dedicated our lives.
More to come about the book. In the meantime, live your courageous life in 2021.